Pros and Cons of Using Breast Enlargement Creams (2025)

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Breast Cream Pros and Cons

When it comes to a woman’s body, insecurities on how she looks can develop. Among the most common body parts that women complain about are the breast and buttocks. In this article, I will tell you about the pros and cons of using breast enlargement creams

Women often see their breasts as too small for their frame and want to enhance them in some way. While extreme enlargement results can come when a woman decides to go under the knife and have the breasts surgically enhanced, others want a less invasive process.

Breast enhancement creams offer women a natural way to make their breasts bigger and avoid surgery. SA lot of women will avoid breast creams because some believe they won’t help make their breasts bigger.

There is a lot of misinformation about how breast creams work. If you do a search on the internet you will find a lot of incomplete or vague information about the benefits of using breast creams for the purpose of making them bigger.

I feel I can give my honest point of view about the pros and cons about using breast creams, I have personally used breast creams for over a decade, I have had great results and find that most women will love the benefits they offer.

How breast creams work

In order to understand the effectiveness of breast creams, it’s important to know how they work.

Breasts are glans that are made up of fatty tissue, muscle, ligaments, and milk ducts. A woman’s breasts can change in shape and size, this can be caused by a pregnancy, menstrual cycle, and weight gain.

During pregnancy women’s breast increase in size when lactating, that is because the underlying milk ducts swell and the breasts fill up with milk.

During your menstrual cycle, your breasts can change in shape and may feel flat. This may seem like nonsense but the size of your breasts can fluctuate because of endogenous hormones during a menstrual cycle.

“Breast density may change with the secretion of hormones such as estrogen”

Estrogen plays a big role in keeping breasts firm and full. Exercise can also help because it can increase the muscles underneath the breasts but even so the breasts are mostly fat tissue.

Breast creams can help make breasts bigger in several ways including:

  • Naturally, increase estrogen
  • Strengthen milk ducts and ligaments
  • Improve skin texture
  • Reduce sagging
  • Promote new healthy fat tissue

Breast creams contain herbs or plant estrogens, these help increase estrogen levels, there are some that contain something called Volufiline which is an extract from the sarsaparilla root.

Pros and Cons of Using Breast Enlargement Creams (1)

Applying a breast cream to the breasts helps increase estrogen, the effect of this helps increase new healthy fat cells within the breasts, it also strengthens the underlying ligaments and milk ducts, while this does take some time most women will see a significant increase in breast size.

While buying a breast cream may seem practical there are pros and cons of using them that you should know about before you go out and buy on.

Pros and Cons of Using Breast Enlargement Creams


No surgery: While a surgical procedure may seem safe, it does have risks, using a breast cream can safely increase the size of your breasts wishing just a few months.

Inexpensive: Most breast creams are affordable, unlike surgery which can cost thousands of dollars, a three month supply of most breast creams costs under $200.00.

Bigger breasts in weeks: Most women will see bigger breasts after using a breast cream for just a few weeks, full results take anywhere between 3-6 months but many women have achieved as much as a two-cup size increase in bust size.

No side effects: The ingredients in most breast enhancement creams are all-natural so there are no side effects.

Breast creams ship worldwide: There are some countries where breast surgery is a high-risk procedure that some women may not be willing to risk, breast creams ship worldwide and are available in most countries.


Results take time: Unfortunately, when it comes to using breast enlargement creams, the results are not instantaneous. They take time to develop and size increases over time are the norm rather than the exception.

Surgery is a near instant result. After recovery, be that a few days or weeks, the breasts will retain their form. With breast enlargement creams, it can take weeks to see initial results. For that reason, it is important that those who opt for breast enlargement creams should understand that it can take a few weeks before they begin see noticeable results.

May Never Work: When it comes to using breast enlargement creams, some women don’t see the increase they expected. Numerous creams exist on the market and while some are very effective, some of them are not .

Women that want to improve their breast size with breast enlargement creams need to be aware that it can take time in order to find one that works and that money can be wasted in the process. Still, when compared to surgery, the price of wading through the options is not as extreme.

Results are not permanent: After you stop using a breast cream you may notice your breasts may begin to shrink in size, this usually happens after 8-10 months. This can be remedied by applying a maintenance dose a couple of times per week to help maintain their size and fullness.

Final thoughts

Breast creams are not perfect, I think that after weighing the pros and cons of using breast enlargement creams you will find they offer a good solution for most. If you have some patience and are willing to wait a couple of months I believe you will love the results they have to offer.


Breast size changes during the menstrual cycle

Related Posts:

  • Breast Surgery Procedures Explained
  • Breast Enlargement at Home
  • Breast Creams for Older Women

Pros and Cons of Using Breast Enlargement Creams (6)

Wendy Mellor

Hi, my name is Wendy Mellor, I am the owner and main contributor to this website. I have had a lot of experience using a variety of breast creams and enhancement devices. I hope you find my information useful.

I wanted to share my experience and offer women honest reviews of products I have used so you know what to expect and what may work for you as well. I hope the information on my blog can help you become successful with natural breast enlargement methods.

Pros and Cons of Using Breast Enlargement Creams (2025)
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